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Information about Magdalena de Kino, Sonora

Pharmacies in Magdalena de Kino


Magdalena has a number of discount pharmacies, if you find that you need medication during your travels.

Mexican law regulates which medications are “controlled,” or for which you will need a prescription to purchase. The good news is, the laws are not as strict as those north of the border. For example, many medications that require a prescription north of the border, like Viagra and Cialis, do not require a prescription in Mexico.

And if you find that you are in need of a controlled medication, you may be able to consult with a physician in Magdalena to get a prescription.

Drogerias Benavides
Cucurpe 403
(632) 322-3501

Farmacia del Descuento
Plaza Juarez Esq. Doctor Lanz Local
(632) 322-1200

Farmacias de Similares
Ninos Heroes 101
(632) 322-3471

Farmacias del Noroeste
Mariano Abasolo 500
(632) 322-3471

Farmacias Sagrado Corazon
Ernesto Rivera Magallon
(632) 322-3932



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